I live in Sheboygan in an old house with my husband, two children and two dogs. My other three children live in Seattle, Phoenix, and Washington D.C., so we’ve got every time zone covered! Arizona ranks first in vacation destinations as long as my only grandchildren live there. I came to Roncalli from the corporate sector where I was a Financial Systems Analyst for Piggly Wiggly Midwest. I also taught Accounting and Information Systems Management in the Lakeland College MBA program. At church I teach Sunday School to 16 and 17-year-olds, direct the adult choir, mentor the young single adults and, best of all, teach music to the nursery children
B.A. – Beloit College, Beloit, WI Double major in Modern Languages and Comparative Literature National Merit Scholar
M.S. – UW-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI Accounting
Schedule & Responsibilities
During the school year, the Business Office is open from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. all days that school is in session. In the summertime, we are closed on Fridays.
I serve faculty and staff as Human Resources coordinator. My primary contact with parents comes from administrating the Financial Aid and Tuition Payment programs. I work with Bank Officers and CPA’s, the Finance Committee, Board of Trustees, and Corporate Board of Directors by providing Financial Reporting and Cash Management. Most of my interaction with students arises from directing the National School Lunch program. I also have various responsibilities for WPCP, the new school voucher program.
I am greatly blessed to work and pray in a community dedicated to nourishing the valiant youth in the Lakeshore area.