Roncalli High School, part of Roncalli Catholic Schools, will hold the next installment of “Learning on the Journey: A winter series of courses on Catholic faith, practices and perspectives” Jan. 24 at the high school.
The series, which will continue to run each Tuesday through Feb. 14, is open to the public and there is no admission fee. All sessions will feature four speakers and be held at the high school, 2000 Mirro Drive, Manitowoc, from 6-7 p.m. with a social to follow. Attendees should enter through the Fine Arts Center doors.
People may attend as many or few sessions as they’d like. There is no reading or homework required to participate. Child care services will be provided, but families hoping to utilize this service must provide at least a week’s notice to ensure sufficient number of volunteers are available.
Registration is not required, but appreciated to attend the sessions. Please contact 920-682-8801 or [email protected] for child care and registration.
Participating event presenters include:
• Fr. Dave Beaudry, M.A.
• Fr. Matt Colle, M.S.
• Taylor Geiger, M.A.
• Callie Hynek, M.A.
• Tim Olson, M.A, principal emeritus
• Paul Schweigl, Th.D.
• Dianne Vadney, M.T.S.
The Jan. 24 session will feature the following presentations and speakers:
The Book of Job presented by Paul Schweigl, Th.D.
Among the most difficult of the Biblical texts, Job challenges us to consider what theological lessons may be found in life’s most difficult circumstances. What does it mean to speak rightly of God in the midst of human suffering?
Paul Schweigl is a Roncalli alumnus, holding degrees from St. Norbert College, the University of Notre Dame, and La Salle University. He has taught theology at Roncalli since 2011. He lives in Sheboygan with his wife and two children.
Discernment 101 presented by Taylor Geiger, M.A.
Where are you going? This is a question that all of us must answer. Rather than feeling anxious about that destination, we must learn how to discern the voice of God in our lives in order to find the fulfillment that we long for.
Taylor Geiger was born, raised, and still lives in Manitowoc with his wife and two daughters. He graduated from Holy Family College with a degree in theology in 2015 and earned a Master of Arts in theology from the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO in 2022. Taylor served as the campus minister at Roncalli High School from 2015-20 and is now serving as the vocation coordinator for the Diocese of Green Bay.
A Poet, a Composer & God presented by Tim Olson, M.A., principal emeritus.
The arts can be a source of powerful prayer and expressions of faith. We will examine the work of a poet and a composer who eloquently express a deep faith.
Tim Olson is a graduate of St. Mary's University with a Bachelor of Arts in music and holds a Master of Arts in administration from North Dakota State University. He has been a teacher and administrator in Catholic schools for 45 years. After serving Roncalli for more than 20 years as principal, he retired from administration, but has stayed on as a part-time teacher. He currently teaches classes in public speaking and theology.
Eucharistic Miracles presented by Callie Hynek, M.A.
This session will begin by exploring the Gospel of John for a deeper understanding of the Eucharist band then dive into a variety of Eucharistic Miracles including the ones at Lanciano in Italy and Buenos Aires in Argentina, as well as a few others if time allows. We also will journey through what the Church teaches about Eucharistic Miracles and learn about Blessed Carlo Acutis, a recently beatified young adult who created a website specifically for Eucharistic Miracles.
Callie Hynek serves on Roncalli staff as campus minister; prior to that she served as the child and youth faith formation assistant director for the Diocese of Green Bay. Additionally, she worked as youth minister and confirmation coordinator for St. Bernard Parish in Green Bay for about five years. In 2019, she earned her master’s degree in Catechetics and Evangelization from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Callie and her husband welcomed their first child, Jonah, in July 2022.
The remaining lineup for the series is as follows:
Jan. 31: St. John Chrysostom: Theologian, Prophet & Pastor (Beaudry)
Islam (Schweigl)
Roman Martyrs (Colle)
Understanding Sacramental Marriage (Vadney)
Feb. 7: Made in God’s Image We Will Never Die (Olson)
Mercy: The Heart of the Gospel (Beaudry)
Does God want Me to be Happy (Geiger)
Jesus in the Cities of the Holy Land (Vadney)
Feb. 14: Judges (Schweigl)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Beaudry)
Service & Spirituality (Hynek)
Parables (Vadney)