New batting cages were recently installed at Roncalli High School, part of Roncalli Catholic Schools. The batting cages will be used beginning next school year by both the baseball and softball teams. Up to four athletes can use them at a time.
Thanks to a generous donation from the Kapic Family Foundation, with a match that was met by a group of Roncalli Catholic Schools families, the batting cages were able to be built. The cages are estimated at a value of $15,000.
Vinton Construction, along with the Maples and Lamers families, covered the additional $45,000 in labor and material costs associated with the project, including excavation of the area and backfilling it with pea gravel; installation of drain tile; drilling footings, foundations and poles; pouring concrete; erecting the batting net; purchasing and laying artificial turf; placing sod and restoration of the area. “We are thankful for the generosity that was poured into this project,” said Candice Giesen, director of development. “The donations by the Kapic Family Foundation, Roncalli families, and especially Vinton Construction, are truly appreciated.”
Nathan Kaderabek, athletic director for Roncalli Catholic Schools, echoed Giesen’s sentiments adding, “It means a lot to have the support of local entities and parents who step up to the plate to further Roncalli athletics. The batting cages will assist with advancing both our baseball and softball programs and helping athletes to hone their skills. Donations like these have a lasting impact.”