Roncalli High School, part of Roncalli Catholic Schools, will hold the final session in “Learning on the Journey: A winter series of courses on faith, practices and perspectives” on March 1 at the high school. The session was previously scheduled to be held this evening, Feb. 22.
The series is open to the public and there is no admission fee. The session will feature four speakers and be held at the high school, 2000 Mirro Drive, Manitowoc, from 6-7 p.m. with a social to follow. Attendees should enter through the Fine Arts Center doors.
Attendees get to choose which of the four classes they wish to attend. There is no reading or homework required to participate. Child care services will be provided courtesy of a grant from the Catholic Foundation. Registration is not required to attend, but is appreciated, especially by families who will be bringing children. Please contact 920-682-8801 or [email protected].
In addition to the series, a book sale will be offered in the Roncalli High School library from 4-6 p.m. and for 30 minutes following the close of the sessions. Books for sale are adult fiction and some non-fiction. Hard cover books will be sold for $1.50 each and paperbacks for $0.75 each; pricing for non-fiction selections will be determined by the book with nothing costing more than $5. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the library.
The March 1 session will feature the following presentations and speakers:
Islam presented by Paul Schweigl This session will seek to understand Islam from a Catholic perspective. Special attention will be given to the history of Islam’s origins, the basic tenets of Islamic practice, the historical relationship between Catholicism and Islam, and a comparison of Catholic and Islamic theology.
Paul Schweigl is a Roncalli High School alumnus, holding degrees from St. Norbert College, the University of Notre Dame and La Salle University. He has taught theology at Roncalli High School since 2011. He lives in Sheboygan with his wife and two children.
Mass: What You May Or May Not Have Noticed presented by Dianne Vadney Holy Mass is one of the most familiar parts of the Catholic world, and yet how much happens every week that we aren’t fully aware of? This session will actively engage the class in taking the familiar and reawakening the meaning inherent to the words and gestures of Mass.
A 1996 graduate of Roncalli High School, Dianne Vadney received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from The Catholic University in Washington, D.C. and her master’s of Theological Studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. As part of the Roncalli Catholic Schools’ Campus Ministry team, she serves as their Community Minister with responsibilities that broadly include helping families connect to their local parishes and sacraments, teaching seniors Service & Spirituality, and coordinating the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program at the elementary school, which uses hands-on Montessori methods and materials to bring the faith to life. She and her husband are actively involved with their home parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Manitowoc, have been blessed with six children and would like to know what free time looks like.
Christ the Divine Physician presented by Taylor Geiger There are many titles for Christ (and rightly so!): Christ the Healer, Christ the Teacher, and Christ the Priest. One of the more underappreciated titles for Christ in the West is, “Christ the Divine Physician.” Come and learn the rich beauty and goodness that approaching Christ with this title can do for your spiritual and sacramental life.
Taylor Geiger was born, raised, and still lives in Manitowoc with his wife and two daughters. He graduated from Holy Family College with a degree in theology in 2015 and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Theology from the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado. Geiger served as the Campus Minister at Roncalli High School from 2015-20 and is the Vocation Coordinator for the Diocese of Green Bay.
Lent presented by Deacon Frank Birr, M.T.S. This session will explore some of the history of the season of Lent, examine some of the rituals associated with the season as we celebrate them today and discuss opportunities for spiritual growth on our journey to Easter.
Deacon Frank Birr is the Director of Choral Music at Roncalli High School and is an ordained deacon for the Diocese of Green Bay serving at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Parish in Two Rivers. He earned his Bachelor of Music and master’s in theological studies from St. Norbert College. Over the years, Deacon Birr also has taught theology classes at Roncalli High School and served as director of music an