The 40th Annual Roncalli Pierside Auction not only commemorated an anniversary year for the event, but also achieved a milestone by raising approximately $10,000 more than the year prior. This year’s auction saw more than $310,000 in proceeds – raising almost $3,000 more in the online portion of the event alone than that raised in 2023 – which will benefit the students of Roncalli Elementary School, Roncalli Middle School and Roncalli High School.
The 40th auction included the online component and in-person event. A diverse range of items were available for bidding online from April 25-29, which were different than those that were available at the in-person event, which took place on Saturday, April 27 at Roncalli High School.
This is now the sixth year Roncalli Catholic Schools has been able to raise nearly the same dollar amount through the annual fundraiser to support Catholic education in the Lakeshore area and serve students within a four-county radius. Without the generosity of area businesses, donors, supporters, attendees and the Roncalli community, including faculty, staff, families and alumni, this event, and the resulting outcome, would not be possible.
“The support for the Roncalli Pierside Auction has been unwavering,” said Candice Giesen, director of advancement for Roncalli Catholic Schools. “We could not be more grateful for the support the auction received again this year as we celebrated 40 years! The generosity of our donors, sponsors, general co-chairs, committee members, faculty and staff, and everyone who supports the auction makes it possible to continue to raise funds to support the education of students. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the auction!”
The Roncalli Pierside Auction provides funding for Roncalli schools primarily in the area of tuition assistance. About 65 percent of Roncalli families receive some form of tuition assistance. Gifts to the auction allow Roncalli Catholic Schools to continue to serve students of all economic backgrounds by providing them with a quality education.
Everyone is invited to save the date for the 41st Annual Roncalli Pierside Auction, which will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025 at Roncalli High School, 2000 Mirro Drive in Manitowoc. Please watch for more details regarding the event to be released at a future date.